营养饮食 食物相克 食物热量



北京大学第三医院  副主任医师 

擅长: 颈椎病、腰椎管狭窄症、腰椎间盘突出症等各类脊柱退行性疾病;腰椎滑脱症;脊柱骨折;脊柱肿瘤。

简介: 基本情况学位:博士 毕业院校:北京大学医学部专业:脊柱外科 技术职称:副主任医师工作经历2016.8-至今, 北京大学第三医院, 骨科, 副主任医师 2011.8-2016.7, 北京大学第三医院, 骨科, 主治医师 2007.10-2011.7, 北京大学第三医院, 骨科, 住院医师 2002.5-2007.9, University of Birmingham, Department of Engineering, Research Assistant 1996.9-2002.4, 北京积水潭医院, 骨科, 住院医师 1991.9–1996.8, 北京大学医学部, 临床医学, 学士, 导师: 王德炳科研工作脊柱生物力学及其应用学术兼职中国康复医学会修复重建骨肿瘤学组委员,中华医学会骨科学分会会员,AOSpine会员论文Dang L, Liu Z.A review of current treatment for lumbar disc herniation in children and adolescents.Eur Spine J. 2010 Feb;19(2):205-14. Epub 2009 Nov 5. Review.Lei D, Rege A, Koti M, Smith FW, Wardlaw D. Painful disc lesion: can modern biplanar magnetic resonance imaging replace discography? J Spinal Disord Tech. 2008 Aug;21(6):430-5.Lei D, Holder RL, Smith FW, Wardlaw D, Hukins DW. Cluster analysis as a method for determining size ranges for spinal implants: disc lumbar replacement prosthesis dimensions from magnetic resonance images. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2006 Dec 1;31(25):2979-83; discussion 2984.Lei Dang, Douglas Wardlaw, David WL Hukins. Removal of nucleus pulposus from the intervertebral disc – the use of chymopapain enhances mechanical removal with rongeurs: a laboratory study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2007, 8:122.Lei D, Hukins DWL, Shepherd DET &Wardlaw D (2010). Silicone annulus for mechanically testing nucleus replacement implants for the lumbar intervertebral disc. International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 2: 195–204.Lei D, Wardlaw D, HukinsDW.Mechanical properties of calcium sulphate/hydroxyapatite cement. Biomed Mater Eng. 2006;16(6):423-8.党礌;陈忠强;刘晓光;郭昭庆;齐强;李危石;韦峰;刘忠军. 青少年下腰椎间盘突出症的病因分析---腰椎过度承载及腰骶部骨与关节形态变异在发病中的意义。中国脊柱脊髓杂志2015 25(11):991. Dang L, Liu X, Dang G, Jiang L, Wei F, Yu M, Wu F, Liu Z. Primary tumors of the spine: a review of clinical features in 438 patients. Journal of Neuro-oncology. 2015 Feb;121(3):513-20. doi: 10.1007/s11060-014-1650-8. Epub 2015 Feb 1. Dang L, Chen Z, Liu X, Guo Z, Qi Q, Li W, Zeng Y, Jiang L, Wei F, Sun C, Liu Z. Lumbar Disk Herniation in Children and Adolescents: The Significance of Configurations of the Lumbar Spine. Neurosurgery. 2015 Dec;77(6):954-9. doi: 10.1227/NEU.0000000000000983. Dang L, Liu C, Yang SM, Jiang L, Liu ZJ, Liu XG, Yuan HS, Wei F, Yu M. Aggressive Vertebral Hemangioma of the Thoracic Spine without typical radiological appearance. Eur Spine J. 2012 Oct;21(10):1994-9. doi: 10.1007/s00586-012-2349-1. Epub 2012 Jun 26.A new source of autograft bone for interbody fusion in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion surgery: experience in 893 cases. Dang L1, Sun Y1, Wang S1, Pan S1, Li M1, Zhang L1, Zhang F1. Br J Neurosurg.2016 Jul 17:1-6.著作与译著参与专著的翻译工作: 主译:韦峰,主审党耕町 (全部译者:韦峰,党礌,兰杰,杨欢,杨辰,冷慧杰,周非非,姜宇,赵旻暐,赵衍斌,钟沃权,袁伟,于淼)《美国骨科医师学会—脊柱外科学第三版》原著 Jeffrey M. Spivak Patrick J. Connolly北京大学医学出版社 2013年3月第一版. 在本书中负责3个章节的翻译工作。 参与专著的撰写工作: 主编:姜亮。(全部编者:党耕町,钟沃权,周华,吴奉梁,党礌,欧阳汉强,刘彦,欧阳汉强,夏天,孟娜,韦峰,梁莉,王超,王睿峰,李彦)《北医三院脊柱肿瘤病例讨论集萃》北京大学医学出版社 2016年3月(即将出版) 在本书中负责3个章节的撰写。

